Thomas Jefferson’s Recommended Reading List Thomas Jefferson sitting at desk illustration.
I want to assemble these in text form and put them on the BBS. Project Gutenberg is great this way. Put the epubs on the ebook, text on the BBS.
This is better viewed from this webpage:
Title Author Ancient History
The Histories Herodotus History of the Peloponnesian War Thucydides Anabasis & Hellenica Xenophon Life of Alexander the Great Quintus Curtius Rufus The Gallic War & The Civil War Julius Caesar Antiquities Josephus Lives Plutarch Annals & Histories Tacitus History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbons Philosophy Works of Plato Plato Works of Cicero Cicero Morals Plutarch Moral Epistles & Essays Seneca Memorabilia of Socrates Xenophon Meditations Marcus Aurelius The Enchiridion Epictetus An Essay Concerning Human Understanding John Locke Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion David Hume Candide Voltaire Introductory Discourse and the Free Inquiry Conyers Middleton Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle Literature/Epic Poetry/Plays
The Iliad & The Odyssey Homer The Aeneid Virgil Paradise Lost John Milton Oedipus Trilogy Sophocles Orestian Trilogy Aeschylus The Plays of Euripides Euripides Poems Horace The Works of Shakespeare William Shakespeare The Misanthrope Moliere Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift A Modest Proposal Jonathan Swift Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes The Adventures of David Simple Sarah Fielding The Adventures of Roderick Random Tobias Smollett The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Tristram Shandy Laurence Sterne The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer Poems Edmund Waller Politics/Religion/Modern History
Spirit of the Laws Montesquieu Two Treatises of Government John Locke Discourses Concerning Government Algernon Sidney The Bible
The History of America William Robertson Historical Review of Pennsylvania Benjamin Franklin A History of the Settlement of Virginia Captain John Smith Science On Electricity Benjamin Franklin The Gentleman Farmer Henry Home The Horse Hoeing Husbandry Jethro Tull Buffon’s Natural History Georges-Louis Leclerc Anson’s Voyage Round the World Richard Walter