Make sure to interject more Mariner stuff in this.
i have pulled in an older and more comprehensive outline into sigil, so this should work well.
mulls goes to firsthome to share kiyami writings about the mariner. she accepts poisoning to keep reading the writings that she copied from the Waykeep records. she dies during the last days of the convocation.
Michiana is the Princess under Evette (or Evelyn) and becomes enamoured of Mulls and Kiyami, she initially takes Weslyn as an interesting consort, which gets cleaned up through a secert marriage that she is far more committed to than he is. They quickly part and a more informed or mature Michiana quietly marries Lanolylc. She is preganant but arranges to control the process and stays away from the birthing process and keeps the child in her own nursery. It is never clear if Julya (the child) is Weslyn's or Lanolylc's Upon evette's death in her own childbirth, Michiana is arranging for her ascent, but in the short gap time confusion, the conspiracy that ends up as the Conclave strikes the palace and takes control.
Daavor has a series of dreams of the present and future which sort of upsets everyone as he doesn't put much stock in God or anything else. He is as cagey as ever, only giving out information as he sees it able to profit him. He follows his lady and rejoins the convocation culture, getting whistled up by the queen to be her consort. Marriage didn't mean much to him and he didnt feel much of a connection to his son Weslyn or a need to be loyal to Mulls. His life by the seashore was purely circumstantial, just as other parts of his life are. Mulls has morals but Daavor doesn't and Weslyn is somewhere in between with a huge Enis worship thing going on. Daavor is definately a product of the Convocation - the prophecies that he knows are just tools to gaining the life of ease that he craves. No one respects him and he is used as much as he uses others. He was shown what was and would be happening in firsthome and is hailed as a prophet. When the conclave comes to power, he is rounded up with other highly-placed loyalists.
Tessreen loves the female oriented cuture of the convocation and abandons the mission for her new status as an alpha amazon matron sort. Lost and then rounded up later by the conclave.
Enis gets the inspiration to form the mission to re-invest Waykeep.
Queen Evelyn dies in the Traditional way (childbirth) and Michiana is the royal princess and becomes the queen. she was a devotee of mullicynda and her readings but chooses to not take the waykeep covenant although she goes with the group to the Kiyami gathering. She returns to the city with a relieved Daavor and a grumpy Weslyn.
The change of Queen and somewhat chaos that attend this gives the future Conclave the opportunity to Kill the queen's house (including Coryn) and take control of things.