
What is a Xenos?

The word _Xenos_ comes from ancient Greek and describes a stranger or a foreigner.

<blockquote> *&#958;&#941;&#957;&#959;&#962;* (xénos) m &#958;&#941;&#957;&#959;&#953;, _feminine_ &#958;&#941;&#957;&#951;

   1 foreigner, alien
   1 stranger
   1 guest </blockquote>

Have you ever walked into a group or situation and felt like the odd person out? Even if you are well-schooled in "breaking the ice" and "making small talk" in social gatherings, you may often have suppressed feelings that such places are not where you really want or need to be in the pursuit of your personal passions and goals.

Such people are often either uncomfortable with or uninterested in the posturing and insincerity of many social events and make quick excuses to leave quickly after their purpose for being there is accomplished.

If you have had such impressions and maybe behaved this way a lot more often than you should, you may be part of an exclusive group of people who can best be described as _Xenos_.

Xenos on the Path to Exaltation

Some sorts of people come with attributes that help them more easily move along the path toward a Godly exaltation. Those who are Xenos have such attributes.

Some Famous Xenos

Although these people haven't been formally evaluated, they bear the distinctive mark of Xenos-ness that colors the success they achieved.

<table align='center' border='2' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5'> <tbody> <tr> <td>Elon Musk</td> <td>Keanu Reeves</td> <td>Albert Einstein</td> <td>Eleanor Roosevelt</td> </tr> <tr> <td>J.K. Rowling</td> <td>Meryl Streep</td> <td>Barack Obama</td> <td>Christina Aguilera</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Isaac Newton</td> <td>Michael Jordan</td> <td>Bill Gates</td> <td>Bobby Fischer</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Emily Dickinson</td> <td>Steve Jobs</td> <td>Angelina Jolie</td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

There are plenty of people with Xenos attributes, but it seems that only a relative few have discovered these aspects of themselves, capitalized on them, and become the people they truly were meant to be and do so on their own terms and with deep authenticity.

In this introductory course, we will do some simple evaluations on Xenos traits you might share with these notable people.

Trait #1 - Reclusivity

Xenos have a deep need to be away from people for periods of time. Though they need to stay close to family, especially when their children are young, and to a few close friends, a Xenos often keeps to themselves and prefers places and situations of solitude.

Trait #2 - Convergence

Xenos seek time and resources to use toward their individual motivations and passions. It is like steering a car toward a distant city and the Xenos driver is hyper-focused on getting to the destination, avoiding detours and roadblocks that may hinder their progress along the way.

Xenos commonly do the same things over and over again. They do this to deal with situations where there is a lot of "noise" like distractions and interruptions.

Trait #3 - Epiphanosis

Some people are wired differently and they see reality in unique ways. Among the Xenos, there are many who seem able to see around corners, have unexpected or impossible knowledge, and give every impression of being connected with some higher power.

Trait #4 - Minimization

A lot of people have embraced living a "simple life" with fewer possessions and responsibilities. Xenos who adopt such a lifestyle can spend more time and resources focusing on their private passions rather than "living large".

Xenos often forget or purposefully ignore what others would see as basic needs. It isn't strange to find a Xenos among homeless people or living in an emergency shelter. They often don't worry about the clothes they wear, the food they eat (or even remembering to eat), what jobs they do for money, or the company they keep. Such is their single-mindedness in the "obsessions" they pursue.

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