I decided to make some changes to the config here, letting root launch the BBS and they having the BBS drop things down to the jsn account. It seems to work much better this way. of course, now you have to be root to monitor things, but that is also right.
I did an upgrade over the 2024 Christmas holiday and now lower ports are blocked, so most of the BBS functionality isn't useful. It wasn't being used anyway - so no loss there and no particular need to fix.
I had already chosen FreeBSD? for good reasons. It comes with caddy reverse proxy as a package and the ZFS filesystem was well-situated to handle the microfiles (more like database cells) that my exalts.net app uses. As this also uses Apache, I am inclined to use the old web server for all the needs here and to be the reverse proxy and TLS server as well, handily doing all this with a bit of config overhead (but not too much). It is also okay with ssi (which I might want to use).
Shellinabox - https://www.pc-freak.net/blog/install-shellinabox-web-ssh-shell-service-on-freebsd/
PyGopherd? - https://github.com/michael-lazar/pygopherd
So, thou my 1.5T disk is pred-failing, I might reconstitute this on the 1T drive in the 780 that is reclaimed from being a proxmox box. I am just an old unvitualized fella anyway. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOBBY AFTER ALL.
Right now, I just use a basic web browser, sniproxy (that is particularly glichy) and this CGI script for this basic wiki.
Most of this below is a bit out-dated as I have moved back away from the BBS motif. No one called me to use the system as a BBS - pointless to keep it up.
As I have been playing LOTRD, it plays like a BBS to begin with. It seems like CGZ@T could basicly be Synchronet with different menus to represent different places in a journey to Zion and exaltation. tries to include as much LDS content as it can rendered down to raw text files (but with pdfs or epubs in a files section) and all audio rendered to opus files. Drawings and art,as much as is practicable, should be rendered to ANSI text to display properly on the terminal screen. This should be like an increasing challenging game.
Let's do a bunch of reciprocity for putting Synch abilities into the CGZ@T metaphor.
* Text Files as a "Zion's Branch Library" * The Files Section as the "Community Archives" * The message area as the "Washiteria Corkboard" (notice the fun bad word in the middle and the idea that everyone airs their dirty laundry on the corkboard.) * Some Doors can be rigged as the "Arcade" or something else given the app. * The concept of on-line time is "Zion's Time Bank"? - in as much as the system is unimportant, we can hang the place in cobwebs. * Email as the 'Post Office" - very obvious * Chat as the "pneumatic tubes" - I like this one. Gives a good steampunk vision.About CGateZion @Tucumcari
You have traveled a while on a difficult journey. You seek a state of exaltation, not so MUH a state of blissful release from cares, but a greater measure of meaningful action that leads to a 'fullness of joy '. You have learned that others are also such seekers and they reveal that you should go to a place or communal state among such seekers called Zion, where the Lord of all creation has a residence where his royal child-couples learn to attend to the great works of creation and increase.
In case you wonder, Tucumcari is not Zion, but is on the path to it. It has one of the established gateways that lead to Zion. At this gateway, you can study and learn the habits and attributes that prepare one to succeed in Zion. There are various challenges and examinations to determine your progress and mark your accomplishments toward the goal of an arrival at Zion.
I would like to bring in something like an outline, as the motif around how information is stored and indexed. Replies are actually UNDER the message being replied to, more like a mailing list. I guess I am wanting to do something vaguely Wiki-ish, treating everything as documents that can be updated, but not being so strict in formatting (only one level of subwikis, for instance). Let each sub-document be able to include further sub-documents, to practically any level. Wiki just makes this a pile of docs and you can link them as you like.
This might be a better product though old - http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/system/bbs/mconv-1.2.1.tar.gz - There are other possibilities nearby - we need something that does lets us open a telnet connection and pass off to something menu-ish (pdmenu) we don't need graphics.
Spiritual and Temporal Spartanism? perserverance/perserverant/Percival/Percy
Now that the system is working well, I was looking for a purpose here, other than just generalities. I was thinking about the fact that I had collected some files for priesthood work on the gopher and that was a needed is a format that everyone can get to. The BBS provides an antique (simple) interface for these needs - Text Based whenever practicable, opus for audio (size constraints - MPXPlay ( https://mpxplay.sourceforge.net/ ) can do it with a plugin - get these files and post them). Do we chop these up into chapters and such?<br /> * Basic manuals for Family, Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood, Latter-Day Woman, Gospel Principles, Scriptures (JST bible+)<br /> * Texts prepped and in the gopher: Inspired Bible, Apocrapha, Book of Mormon, Articles of Faith<br /> * Still needed - Jesus the Christ, D&C?, Gospel Principles, Duties & Blessings of the Priesthood, Latter-Day Woman<br /> * basic survival texts with medicine and technology<br /> * basic files for things like DOS and determine a more modern equivalent (rasberry pi as the modern basic computer?) What is the best survival SBC (cheap and plentiful) ? esp32?<br />make these viewable on gopher as much as possible (everything can or should do gopher)
><cite><cite><cite><cite><cite><cite> I was wanting to use a different background file with lightbar shell </cite>(lbshell.js). Is there something special about producing the .bin file that gets used for backgrounds? </cite></cite></cite></cite></cite>
Nothing special... you can export those files from most ANSI editors (SyncDraw? included), or capture them using ALT-C in SyncTERM? and choosing "Binary". Put them in text/backgrounds, lbshell will pick a random *.bin file from that directory if there are any.þ Synchronet þ My Brand-New BBS (All the cool SysOps? run STOCK!)
focus the BBS more on text file entry. make its gopher server show more of those text files.
There is the idea that I should make a bad username/password attempt into a Guest login. Always accept a "knock at the door". How it works now is probably fine.
*We need to bring text files to the fore in both the telnet interface and the web interface.*
I like a fusion of a BBS and a MUSH. The BBS doesn't have a "room" motif, but it is menu-based and far easier to use for the casual person.
APRSDroid version 1.2.3 should work with the Android 4.0 install on the NEC Terrain. (and there are others available on eBay)