Tucumcari (or rather Ragland) could use a bikeshop. Really. https://www.nmoutside.com/outdoor-grants-equity-fund
The great part is that New Mexico has not really discovered the gas-powered bicycle, so you can use them with some impunity!
This is the work being done on establishing biking routes in New Mexico - [[https://www.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?layers=4d28e3f4bce347aba50ad7b68af467fd][Untitled map (arcgis.com)]]
The state also catalogs bike shops near biking routes and the part of the state around Tucumcari has many, many scenic biking possibilities!
United States Bicycle Route 66 - (not established in NM) - Wikipedia:U.S._Bicycle_Route_66
British version - Wikipedia:National_Cycle_Network