
Displaying diff between 1.1 and current version of FirstUmlaut.
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 She takes the girl back in time with her to a place where the girl can unlatch a lock on a store of making information and artifacts that the Maker was trying to sell to others.  These things needed to be destroyed before being passed to others and allowing new time movers.
 Once it is open, the woman sets the contents a fire and returns the girl to the present. authorities are there to handle the situation but the woman disappears right before them.
+Old abandoned spots are best for these sorts, so they can move around time quietly and not draw attention.
+tempus = time viator ---- M,viatoris traveler, wayfarer something like.......... tempus viator= time traveler hope this was some what helpful ......... I like voyageur de temps, my self
+This looks really good - Translations of "pedes" in Latin - English dictionary
+pedestrian · pawn · foot-soldier · infantryman · foot soldier · infantry · on foot · who goes on foot · foot-traveller · walker · sing collect. · foot-soldiers
+Sound, Weisdale, chapel of Our Lady is a likely spot for the transporting long-time-distance.

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